Graceful and gentle giants, draft horses, have become a large part of my life. Together along with my business partner Don Kuhns I help take care of three large gray Percheron draft horses here in the Susquehanna Valley. The horses are named Bob, Rowdy, and Major. We do many different events together throughout north central Pennsylvania and southern New York. We can be seen in Brandon Park in Williamsport Pennsylvania each Sunday from the first Sunday in June through the last Sunday in August giving carriage rides, at parades, and during
funerals for the stately Charles M. Noll Funeral Home, my family’s business, in South Williamsport, PA. Some facts about these horses are that they weigh around 1200 to 2000 pounds each, they consume roughly 100 pounds of hay and 15 pounds of grain per day, and each horse can pull roughly three times their body weight which is close to 6000 pounds. We own a vis-a-vis carriage, a single horse cart, a people mover, a hearse, and a historic beer wagon. Our collection is slowly growing and becoming larger each year and we soon hope to have a caisson for military funerals. I have posted some pictures on here of our horses and a few events that we have been to and done. In the next few months I will write more about my adventures with the horses and provide a series of good tales dealing with these great animals.

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